Paperdoll Review Magazine Issue 57

  • Model: Folk Costumes, Dinah Shore
Folk costumes are featured in this issue of Paperdoll Review. Artist Kim Brecklein created the lovely multi-cultural costumes on the front cover and Dutch costumes for the back cover paper doll. Kim also provides an informative article on the cultural costumes of European and Scandinavian countries and shows some treasures from her vintage paper doll collection.

Linda Ocasio tells the story of Fluffy Ruffles, an early 20th newspaper paper doll. Marilyn Henry shares paper dolls from the Robin Hall series appearing in the 1940s in Jack and Jill magazine. The characters in the series are centered around a boarding school, and Marilyn has imagined her own story for the students, teachers and headmaster.

Other articles include paper doll houses, the 1939 Double Wedding paper doll book and a spotlight on Dinah Shore. For our Readers Page, Bruce Patrick Jones reports on the 2013 Los Angeles Paper Doll Convention. Plus, In the Kitchen, New Books, Club Info and more!


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