Classic Fairy Tales Paper Dolls by Brenda Sneathen Mattox

  • Model: Historic Fashions
Classic fairy tales are presented in historical fashions by famed artist and fashion historian Brenda Sneathen Mattox. She has reimagined eight beloved fairy tales and transported them into many different periods, each with timely costumes.

The Frog Prince is retold in glamorous 1930s fashion. The Little Mermaid is a fishy flapper and Snow White is transformed into a southern belle. The Tinderbox is retold in early Victorian Style while The Golden Bird reflects the glorious Gay '90s. Rapunzel turns back the clock to the late Victorian era, but Sleeping Beauty wakes up today with her prince in blue jeans. With this unique collection, these classic fairy tales will live happily ever after in the collections of paper doll enthusiasts.


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