Shakespeare Paper Dolls by Deanna Williams

  • Model: Lavish costumes from great plays
Deanna Williams' "Shakespeare" paper doll book pays homage to the Bard with costumes from his greatest plays: Macbeth, Comedy of Errors, Merchant of Venice, Hamlet, A Midsummer Night's Dream and Antony & Cleopatra. Ever-classic dialogue is threaded throughout the lavish costume pages.

This is just one of several wonderful new titles by the late Deanna Williams. Long-time editor of the specialty paper doll magazine, "Cornerstones," Deanna was a talented paper doll artist, too. She covered just about any topic imaginable, sold in very limited quantities of around 6-10 copies, each hand colored. Recently we partnered with Deanna’s sister, Janet, to transform some of her fabulous sets into paper doll books, making her work available to a whole new audience to enjoy!


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