Fun with Grandma Paper Dolls by Tom Tierney

  • Model: Nostalgic paper play
When Grandma was a little girl, she played with paper dolls. Now, a new paper doll book from Paper Studio Press makes it easy for Grandma to pass on her favorite childhood pastime to her granddaughter. 

The most famous paper doll artist of them all, Tom Tierney, has created a sweetly sentimental pair of paper dolls, a modern Grandmother and her cute Granddaughter. What a pair they are! Busy having fun together. They have outfits, 32 in fact, to take them shopping, bowling, fishing, to the beach and movies and the library. They have tennis togs, aprons for baking, overalls for gardening. 

Imagine the happy hours of fun to be shared as two generations enjoy hours of fun cutting out the dolls and their extensive wardrobes. What a wonderful gift to give to a granddaughter... or a grandmother!


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