L'Egyptienne Paper Dolls by Deanna Williams

  • Model: Dazzling, decorative designs!
Here's a dazzling collection of paper doll fashion inspired by Egyptian design! Deanna Williams was fascinated her whole life long by all things Egyptian, including fashions over thousands of years as found upon the walls of tombs and as decorative accessories. Deanna studied the stylized designs of the three major kingdoms, the New, the Old and the Middle, from Nefertiti to Cleopatra. In this highly decorative paper doll book, the authentic apparel is balanced by examples of 20th century influences. The book includes costumes worn by silent screen star Theda Bara as well as artist Erté and dancer Leon Bakst.

This is just one of several wonderful new titles by the late Deanna Williams. Long-time editor of the specialty paper doll magazine, "Cornerstones," Deanna was a talented paper doll artist, too. She covered just about any topic imaginable, sold in very limited quantities of around 6-10 copies, each hand colored. Recently we partnered with Deanna’s sister, Janet, to transform some of her fabulous sets into paper doll books, making her work available to a whole new audience to enjoy!


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