PD Review Magazine Issue 75 - Brides, Whitman, Grace Kelly

  • Model: Plus Millie the Model, more
Marilyn Henry covers a wide range of subjects, from antique bride paper dolls to the Art Nouveau styles of Alphonse Mucha to happy, hoppy froggie paper dolls.

Lorna Currie Thomopoulos talks about her recent trip to the Czech Republic and shares some of her paper doll treasures representing fashions of Old Europe. Comic paper doll fans will enjoy Jane Alfano Rasor's piece on Millie the Model, a popular girl comic in the 1950s and '60s. Our newest contributor, Karen Kurtz provides a history of Whitman Publishing, valuable information for paper doll collectors!

Our star spotlight is on Grace Kelly, with paper dolls and article courtesy of Lorna C. Thomopoulos, plus a full color 2-page paper doll by Eileen Rudisill Miller! We've got fun finds, nostalgic memories and paper doll party reports on our Reader's Page, plus new books, discoveries and more. All for just $7!!


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